Based on the Master Plan of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Campus 2017-2037, one of its commitments is to comprehend agile university governance through the development of outcome-oriented, flexible, and multiple helix management. UGM develops a management system that is results-oriented, goals, and impacts and is no longer a processes-oriented procedure or rules of the game. One of UGM’s commitments is to create an appraisal system development that suits the latest needs. For example, the update of key performance indicators (KPI) from process-oriented to outcome-oriented. This update strives to achieve big goals. The leading purpose of appraisal system development is to ensure that all components of organizational governance run accurately and judiciously.
The Directorate of Human Resources of Universitas Gadjah Mada (DSDM UGM) is committed to improving various services in the UGM environment. Excellent service is a service that provides satisfaction for service users. Integrated information technology systems, adequate physical facilities, and quality human resources are required to improve excellent service.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) opens career opportunities as Permanent Lecturer (Non-CIVIL SERVANT) in UGM in 2021. Complete registration requirements and procedures are attached in the announcement below:
Public speaking skills and communication techniques are functional skills for Education Staffs (Tendik) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Public speaking and communication techniques are convenient; it helps Tendik distribute information to UGM stakeholders and improve competence and confidence.
Many factors can affect the effectiveness of learning in the classroom, one of which is the ability and skills of lecturers in delivering materials and expressing ideas verbally. But in reality, many lecturers, especially new lecturers, have not mastered the public speaking technique, even when lecturers should possess this skill as a fundamental ability. Learning materials proficiency supported by public speaking skills will increase the confidence of lecturers and make the ideas put forward will be on target. The skills and ability to speak in public itself are known as public speaking skills.
One of the obligations of young lecturers is to prepare and carry out studies, in doctoral degrees, to support the credibility of the institution to achieve the vision of a predetermined mission. Young lecturers need to prepare and plan carefully several things to continue their studies, especially study abroad, both in substance such as research to be studied, promoters, intended universities, scholarship requirements, and readiness of life needs to be required.