The Directorate of Human Resources of Universitas Gadjah Mada (DSDM UGM) is committed to improving various services in the UGM environment. Excellent service is a service that provides satisfaction for service users. Integrated information technology systems, adequate physical facilities, and quality human resources are required to improve excellent service.
It is necessary to develop and renew competence continuously to improve the quality of human resources service. Especially in a pandemic, service systems that were once serving from the office are currently limited to be online. This system change certainly requires many adjustments, especially for providers and service users. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct excellent service training for developing and updating human resource competencies in the field of service. The theme of Excellent Service and Complaint Handling training in 2021 is Leading in Providing Excellent Services.
There are two events in Excellent Service Training and Complaint Handling. The first event was for participants from faculties and schools, while the second event participants originated from KPTU (Administrative Head Office). There were about 300 participants in total. There were 175 participants from Faculties and Schools, and the rest were participants from KPTU UGM. Excellent Service training and Complaint Handling was conducted online using Zoom for two days from 12-13th and 19-20th August 2021.
DSDM Secretary opened the Excellent Service Training and Complaint Handling Paminto Adhi, S.E., M.Si. At the opening, Paminto Adhi stated that Excellent Service Training and Complaint Handling is a series of DSDM commitments to improve Tendik competence. The competencies are knowledge, skills, and attitude.
Opening by Paminto Adhi, S.E., M.Si.
The Head of Public Relations and Protocol UGM Dr. Iva Ariani, S.S., M.Hum. was the first speaker for the first topic. She delivered Excellent Services and Prima Service Tips under the UGM Order during the Pandemic. She asserted that the benchmark of excellent service at UGM is the conformity of SOPs, accountable, open, professional, and customer-oriented attitudes. Dr. Iva Ariani also explained the types of customers, various complaints, and service standards in the pandemic period. The importance of understanding this makes participants interested in question-and-answer sessions. One of the participants asked about how to maximize the service by implementing the existing SOP.
Excellent Service Tips under UGM Order during Pandemic by Dr. Iva Ariani, S.S., M.Hum.
The second topic on the first day of training, Communication Skill and Complaint Handling was delivered by one of the Communication Lecturers of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Muhamad Sulhan, S.IP., M.Si. On the training occasion, he conveyed the importance of managing communication as a stage facing a complaint. In addition, he also reviewed the principles of improving communication skills, including understanding the position in communicating, understanding the form and function of communication media, and empowering positive communication by actively listening to the other person. The topic ends with a very communicative question and answer session. One of the participants asked; if there was a complaint about a specific team when in reality, the complaint was caused by one particular individual. To this question, Dr. Muhamad Sulhan, S.IP., M.Si responded with the need for understanding positions and capabilities between personalities.
Communication Skills and Complaint Handling by Dr. Muhamad Sulhan, S.IP., M.Si.
The training continued on the second day with the third topic, Attitude (Proactive Initiative, Emotional stability, self-confidence, and self-motivation). Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si. is the speaker of the third topic. He is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM. He interacted with participants about work performance and work attitude in facing a problem at work. At the end of the session, one of the participants asked Dr. Sumaryono; how to deal with culture shock when an employee was relocated to a new work environment. On this question, Dr. Sumaryono stated that being in a new environment keeps employees from getting caught up in the usual routine and opens up new opportunities for employees.
Work Attitude by Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si.
The second day was closed by the last topic from Hamdan Alkafie, M.Ikom. He is a private and national News Anchor and TV Producer. The last topic was personal grooming. Personal grooming is a process of self-care so that self-appearance can reflect an attractive personality. He described the personal grooming procedures for both male and female employees. He also conveyed in detail the appropriate appearance used in the context of work. A participant opened a discussion; she asked were there any limits in wearing make-up for women. On that question, Hamdan Alkafie stated that the key to personal grooming is to be yourself. But by being yourself, employees still need to set standards that already exist in the employment office.
Personal Grooming by Hamdan Alkafie,M.Ikom
The training is ended by the implementation of post-tests as well as the filling of questionnaires. On the questionnaire for the implementation of Prima Service Strategy and Complaint Handling training, participants are given the opportunity to provide testimonials. Farjuatno is one of the participants from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, stated: “with the holding of various training according to the field of duty, it will greatly help the self-development of UGM employees so that employees become more innovative, disciplined and perform well.” In addition, Rika Rahmi Cahyaningrum, S.H., M.Kn. from the Directorate of Human Resources also gave testimony “the training event was carried out well and the instructions were very clear and easy to follow.” Rika also added, “presenting qualified sources in their fields makes the training very interesting to follow.”