Center for Occupational Health and Safety Safety and Environment (PK4L) Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is the organizer and coordinator of security, occupational health safety, and protection within UGM. PK4L is the face of UGM and is at the forefront of service. In carrying out basic tasks and organizational functions, PK4L must provide excellent service. This realization is obtained by conducting excellent service training. Excellent service is a must in organizations within UGM. Service is a direct interaction between officers and customers and has an impact on the level of satisfaction. To meet this need, PK4L UGM, in collaboration with the Directorate of Human Resources (HR), held Excellent Service Training for PK4L UGM personnel which is intended to improve the service capabilities of PK4L UGM personnel in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to the community and partners who visit Gadjah Mada University.
Service Excellence training for PK4L UGM personnel was attended by 272 PK4L UGM personnel divided into certain divisions. This training was opened simultaneously on Friday, 11 November 2022, using the online method by the Director of Human Resources, Suadi, S.Pi., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D., he reminded PK4L officers to always implement S3 (Smiles, Greetings, and Greetings) in the implementation of daily work. After the opening, the Head of the Education and Training Administration Data and Administration Subdirectorate, Erika Purnawati, S.Kom., M.Cs., had the opportunity to provide information regarding Learning Contracts and Training Rules. The training is divided into two batches, held offline in Hall C of the Grha Sabha Pramana Building UGM. Directorate HR held batch 1 on Monday, 14 November 2022, and Batch 2 on Tuesday, 15 November 2022.
The resource persons at the Excellent Service Training for PK4L UGM personnel are experts and practitioners in the field of excellent service. Directorate HR opened the training with a pre-test for all participants. Furthermore, the material on Excellent Service from a Psychologist’s Perspective delivered by the Head of the Center for Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment UGM, Arif Nurcahyo, S.Psi., MA The next material is regarding Excellent Service from a Practitioner’s Perspective delivered by Ferry Anggara. Directorate HR continued the training with group discussions and presentation of the results of the discussions, which were presented to all participants. The training ended with the implementation of the post-test. One participant from PK4L stated, “the training organized by HR was very useful, we have hopes for the Directorate of HR to hold other ongoing trainings, thank you.” (DSDM/Rista)