On 20 – 24 February 2023, the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) organized the Instructional Technique of Basic Skill Improvement Training (PEKERTI), which is held hybrid via Zoom and offline at University Club (UC) Hotel Universitas Gadjah Mada. Participants in this training are 46 lecturers in the Faculty/School environment of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Most participants came from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, then the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the rest were scattered from 14 other work units. The Vice-Rector of Human Resources and Finance, Prof. Dr. Supriyadi, M.Sc., opened the training. Prof. Dr. Supriyadi, M.Sc., stressed that to achieve the goals of Tri Dharma, lecturers must maintain quality to advance the institution. Universitas Gadjah Mada strives for a prosperous life for lecturers, especially for lecturers who still need lecturer certification. Universitas Gadjah Mada supports PEKERTI training and hopes this activity can benefit lecturers’ learning and scientific development.
The first training day started with the 3 subjects. First, Prof. Dr. Sulistiowati, S.H., M.Hum. delivered the Higher Education as a System: Policy and Regulatory Needs. Second, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Maksum, M.Sc., delivered the Lecturer Ethics and Morals as Educators. Third, Strategy and Innovation to Improve the Quality of Higher Education by Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo, S.Hut., M.Sc., submitted online. The last material on the first day, Learning Theory and Motivation for Active Learning, was delivered by Dr. Sumaryono, M.Sc. The second training day began with materials on Andragogy, Heutagogy, and Cybergogy: What and How and Strategy by Dr. Irwan Endrayanto Aluicius, S.Sc., M.Sc. Furthermore, Development of Learning Models through Innovative Learning Ecosystems delivered by Dr. Ngadisi, STP., M.Sc. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) material and Learning Taxonomy were delivered by Prof. dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. Furthermore, the Instructional Design and Development of Competency Maps in Courses and Principles and Good Practices for Preparing RPKPS were delivered by Ardhya Nareswari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
The material on the third day is the SCL Method and Design Discussion by dr. Widya Wasityastuti, M.Sc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. Management of Practicum by Utilizing LMS was conveyed by Zuliyati Rohmah, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. online via Zoom. Then, The Use of a Learning Management System (LMS) and Video Development Principles by Wahyono, S.Kom., Ph.D. On the fourth day of The Instructional Technique of Basic Skill Improvement Training (PEKERTI) was delivered online via Zoom. The first material is the Strategy for Managing Team Teaching in the Context of OBE, delivered by Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Apt. Triana Hertiani, S.Si., M.Sc. Furthermore, the Method of Assessment and Preparation of Rubrics, Assessment of Learning Outcomes, and Providing Feedback to Students through LMS by Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, S.T., M.T. OBE and SIOBA-Based Quality Assurance delivered by dr. Widya Wasityastuti, M.Sc.,M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. The last material on the fourth day is a reflection by the PEKERTI Training teaching team.
On the last training day, the Practice of Learning with the SCL/Micro Teaching Method was guided by the PEKERTI Training teaching team. Furthermore, it is explained the independent assignments and peer assignments for participants. The satisfaction survey on the questionnaire showed the good impression conveyed by the participants; among others, implementation is very good and neat.
Ariana Marastuti was a training participant. She was currently abroad and joined PEKERTI online. She said: “Imagine taking part in training online and doing it from 2 to 10 a.m. makes me worried about keeping my eyes open to follow the material. However, it turned out that the speakers and the material presented kept me open my eyes and finished until the last day. This training is important, not only because it is mandatory, but I think every lecturer needs it to understand their duties and be able to carry them out properly. Even though I have been teaching for a while, I gained a lot of new insights in training, especially about developing technology-based learning, which is currently in demand.”
Thus, implementing the Instructional Technique of Basic Skill Improvement Training (PEKERTI) has been going well and smoothly. (UGM/Dewi/Translated by Rista).