The Directorate of Human Resources at Universitas Gadjah Mada (DSDM UGM) hosted the IT-Based Training of the Academic Administration Management for Postgraduate Programs on January 30th and 31st, 2024. The event took place at the Auditorium on the 5th Floor of the Post Graduate School of UGM. The participants comprised Educational Staff (Tendik) responsible for overseeing the academic administration of postgraduate programs, totaling 147 individuals. The training commenced under the auspices of Dr. Sigit Priyanta, S.Si., M.Kom., the Secretary of the Directorate of Education and Teaching (DPP), who underscored the training’s objective to enhance comprehension and provide updates on the university’s new flagship programs, including initiatives to bolster the enrollment of postgraduate students through fast-track programs.
Throughout the first day of the IT-Based Training of the Academic Administration Management for Postgraduate Programs, distinguished speakers covered various topics. Dr. Sigit Priyanta, S.Si., M.Kom., initiated the proceedings with a discourse on the Policy in the Field of Academic Administration for Postgraduate Programs. Subsequently, Ir. Endang Sulastri, S.Pt., M.A., Ph.D., IPM., delved into themes such as the Management of Double Degree/Joint Degree Programs, Recognition of Prior Learning, and Fast-track. Anindita Prita Pradiptia, S.Sos., M.Sc., then addressed Admission to Postgraduate Programs for Indonesian and International students. The final session of the day, led by Nur Biyantoro, S.E., M.M., explored the intricacies of Managing Academic Administration for Postgraduate Programs and Aligning with the Target Achievement Performance of Universitas Gadjah Mada (TCK UGM).
The second day’s agenda encompassed discussions on the Management of Graduation Administration, articulated by Muhammad Lutfi Ansori, S.E., followed by Rochman Diansyah, S.T., who expounded on the Management of Data and Academic Information Systems (SIA SIMASTER, PDDikti). The training concluded with a post-test and the completion of an evaluation questionnaire gauging the training’s efficacy. In sum, the Training on Academic Administration Management Based on Information Technology for Postgraduate Programs transpired seamlessly and proved to be an enriching experience for all participants. A testimonial provided by one attendee succinctly encapsulated the sentiment, affirming the training’s value in augmenting understanding and skill acquisition while advocating for an environment conducive to focused learning devoid of distractions. (DSDM/Adi Translated by Rista).