On duty, the Directorate of Human Resources, Universitas Gadjah Mada (DSDM-UGM), carries out Human Resources management functions ranging from preparing strategic plans to managing career affairs, transfers, and information analysis services. In carrying out the tasks and procedures that cover a wide and varied scope, DSDM-UGM uses a lot of Decrees and Work Agreements, which are formal letters that guarantee legal legality. Given the importance of the Decree and the Work Agreement, the DSDM-UGM organized Legal Drafting training for the DSDM Tendik Directorate of UGM. The training aims to provide writing standards for official letters, especially decisions and work agreements. The training participants are UGM HR Supporting Staff (Tendik), who are tasked with directly processing Work Decisions and Agreements.
Legal Drafting Training will be held on August 8 and 9, 2023, at the Library Computer Laboratory Floor 5. The Head of the UGM Assessment and Training Sub-Directorate, Erna Kartini, S.E., M.B.A, opened the training. In her speech, Erna Kartini states that Decrees and Employment Agreements must be made or drafted according to the correct procedure and not contrary to other applicable regulations. Erna Kartini added that training like this must be carried out routinely for a certain period, refreshing Tendik’s understanding of preparing Employment Decrees and Agreements. Narathe Training resource is a Legal Drafting Team of UGM with the material presented, namely the theory of Decree Drafting and Cooperation Agreements Drafting, then continued with practice so that in the future, it is hoped that the students will not experience difficulties and errors in the completion of work.
One of the trainees stated, “Legal Drafting Training is svery insightful and automatically increases skills in preparing Decrees and Work Agreements as well as improving yourself in agreeing so as not to get stuck in an agreement that is not suitable easily.” With the implementation of Legal Drafting Training for Tendik DSDM-UGM, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the quality and accuracy of Official Documents processed by DSDM-UGM. (DSDM/Rista)