To improve the competence of Supporting Staff (Tendik) within Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), especially in the field of operations computer and Microsoft Office, Directorate of Human Resources (HR) UGM, in collaboration with the Vocational School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering UGM, held Microsoft Office and Computer Operations Training for Supporting Staff at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Microsoft Office training aims to improve the skills of Tendik UGM in completing work tasks effectively and efficiently. In addition, this training also aims as one of the requirements for increasing the career path of Tendik UGM and preparing Tendik UGM as reliable and capable employees in managing and operating information systems in the digital era.
Microsoft Office Technical Training is carried out by combining online and offline (hybrid) meetings. 5 Batches of Microsoft Office Training were held by the HR Directorate this year. The Director of Human Resources, Dr. Ratminto, M. Pol.Admin, opened the training simultaneously for all participants from Batch 1 to 5 on Monday, July 11, 2022. He conveyed the importance of understanding computer systems in carrying out their main and core tasks of daily work. The training began with the presentation of training theory on the first day of training for each batch. The activity continued with the practice of operating Microsoft Office according to the class taken by each participant, namely, Word Class, Basic Excel Class, Intermediate Excel Class, and Powerpoint Class. The practice continued on the third day of training for the Basic and Intermediate Excel Class participants. The offline course is in the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the UGM Library.
Microsoft Office training for Tendik is held regularly on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Batch 1 starts on July 12 to 14, 2022. Class 2 begins training on July 19 to 21, 2022. They were followed by Batch 3 from July 26 to 28, 2022. Batch 4 starts training on August 2 to 4, 2022 and ends with Batch 5 on August 9 to 11, 2022. Training participants in each material per batch ranged from 38 to 40 people, with total 762 participants in the 2022 Microsoft Office Training. One of the participants from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences gave testimony, and she stated, “all the materials, preparation, and execution of activities are good, please maintain it, thank you”. (HR/Rista)