Figure 1. Purnabakti Training for UGM supporting staffs 2021
Retirement (Purnabakti) is the final stage of the career journey of the UGM supporting staffs. Retirement is not the end of the journey of life but a time where it stops momentarily from the routine of daily office work. Then enters more essential stages of life goals, both for family and social life. Retirement is a period of change, where changing habits in life is not an easy matter. Supporting staffs should prepare mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially in relationship patterns, activities, work, and personal finances in filling a new life after retirement. The Retirement Training aims to understand information, knowledge, and insights related to physical and psychological preparation and administration before retirement and understand retirement management so that supporting staffs’ retirement life in the future is healthy and happy.
The Retirement Training for supporting staffs in 2021 took place for two days for each batch with offline and online methods. The First batch was held on Monday and Wednesday, November 22 and 24, 2021, with 67 participants, while the Second Batch took place on Tuesday and Thursday, November 23 and 25, 2021, with 66 participants.
Speakers in the Retirement Training for supporting staffs in 2021 are UGM Lecturers, experts, and practitioners who are competent in their fields in the hopes of sharing and providing insight and knowledge to Purnabakti. The Retirement Training was offline and broadcasted online from the Ballroom of Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta by applying strict health protocols. Starting with the Pension Proposal Mechanism, information about Retirement Savings, and Pension Fund Payment Management. Then continued the delivery of materials and discussions on Mental Preparation for Retirement, Household Financial Management in Retirement, Healthy and Happy Life in Retirement, and administrative preparation before retirement. Moreover, the second day carried out material in the form of entrepreneurial practices based on the choice of each retirement participant.
Figure 2. Digital Marketing and Hydroponics Entrepreneurial Classes
The Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto was able to give the opening speech at the event. In addition to communicating the importance of Retirement Training for supporting staff, Prof. Bambang congratulated all attendees on their contribution to the services of the Gadjah Mada University institution. After the opening, the first Retirement Training material is Information on Retirement Savings and Pension Fund Payment Management delivered by PT. TASPEN and Bank Mandiri TASPEN. It continued with the Pension Proposal Mechanism presented by Sudiyono, S.IP, MH, and Drs. Iswahyudi Suryanto from the National Civil Service Agency. In addition, Retirement Training participants also received material on Mental Preparation for Retirement by drh. Agung Budiyanto, M.P., Ph.D., Healthy and Happy Living in Retirement by Dr.dr. Probosuseno, SpPD., K-Ger., and Pre and Post-Retirement Financial Management provided by Boyke Rudy Purnomo, S.E., M.M., PhD., CFP and Amirullah Setya Hardi, S.E., Cand.Oecon., Ph.D.
For entrepreneurial practice activities, there were four groups divided for attendees, namely the Hydroponics group, Sheep Farming group, Digital Marketing group, and Handicraft group. Testimonials of one of the participants of The Retirement Training, Mrs. Mujiyati from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, expressed satisfaction with the implementation of this activity as “excellent and useful Retirement Training activities, so that we are more ready to face retirement in the future, still actively filling our free time with useful things.”