To improve compliance with the submission of the State Civil Apparatus Property Report (LHKASN) for Mandatory Reporting (WL) in Gadjah Mada University under the Circular Letter of the Minister of PANRB No. 1 of 2015 on The Obligation to Submit The State Civil Apparatus Property Report (LHKASN) in the Environment of Government Agencies, the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) together with the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology conduct TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ON FILLING AND REPORTING LHKASN through SIHARKA application. This activity took place two days on January 19-20, 2022, divided into five offline sessions and one online session in the Sekip Room of University Club UGM.
LHKASN Filling and Reporting Technical Guidance were welcomed by the Secretary of DSDM UGM proudly. Paminto Adhi, S.E., M.Si. said that LHKASN reporting is part of employee discipline regulations, and the technical guidance helps ease the participants in filling LHKASN in SIHARKA App. The first speakers are Safrina Ayuning Wiyathasari and the Inspectorate General team. Safrina and the team delivered material on the overview and how to charge LHKASN through the application of https://siharka.menpan.go.id. Registered employees that are obliged to fill out the LKHASN Reports.
All offline and online participants fill the report in Siharka App, which includes personal data, family data, wealth, income, and expenses. The activity went well and smoothly. All the participants were enthusiastic when discussing with facilitators.
Each participant gets guidance from the DSDM and the Inspectorate General. Therefore, the filing and reporting of LHKASN became structured and easy to implement. As conveyed by Istiyani from RSA UGM, who was one of the participants, this Technical Guidance is expected to facilitate ASN in reporting its wealth to the stage of sending it to the Inspectorate to increase the compliance level in the ASN wealth report in the UGM Environment. (Rista/SDM)