To increase the capacity of Human Resources (HR) for Property Managers (BMU) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the Directorate of Human Resources, in collaboration with the Directorate of Assets UGM, carried out Technical Guidance on the Valuation of University Property. Technical Guidance (Bimtek) BMU assessment aims to determine the value of the wealth of the grant proceeds, the value of the auction limit for elimination, and the value of the BMU for joint utilization. In addition, with the Bimtek BMU Valuation, internal appraisers participants will be able to understand the methods and techniques of assessment and assist in the implementation of the assessment of university property. The Directorate of HR and Directorate of Assets carried out the technical guidance in collaboration with resource persons from the Department of Economics and Business, Property Management and Valuation Study Program, UGM Vocational School, and Practitioners in the Valuation of Goods. Bimtek participants are 28 UGM Internal Appraisal Candidates from several Faculties and Schools, RSA, and Directorates within the KPTU of UGM.
The Bimtek BMU Assessment activity will be held online Monday, October 10, 2022, and Wednesday to Thursday, October 18-20, 2022, offline at Multimedia Room 1, 3rd Floor, North Wing, UGM Central Building. Ardhanti, SE., M.Ec. Dev. Furthermore, the Presentation of Field Inspection Results was delivered by Anisa Nurpita, SE., M.Ec. Dev. The participants continued the technical guidance on the second day with the material and practice of Motor Vehicle Assessment delivered by Bagaskara, SE., M.Ec. Dev. Agung Laksana, SE., M.Ec, Dev. delivered the following material on Building Valuation (Simple Property). Agung Laksana, SE., M.Ec, Dev. continued Building Valuation Practice (Simple Property) material on the third day. The technical guidance ended with the material and practice of Equipment Assessment delivered by Rosario Guntur H, SE., M.Ec. Dev. (DSDM/Rista)