To facilitate the program to accelerate promotions and positions for Education Laboratory Institutions (PLP) within Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the Directorate of Human Resources (Directorate of Human Resources) organizes Technical Training (Bimtek) for the Preparation of DUPAK for PLP. The Bimtek implementation will take place on 7, 8, and 21 July 2022 and will be held offline with health protocols at the University Club Hotel UGM. Bimtek aims to increase enthusiasm for PLP UGM to immediately apply for promotions and positions regularly, expectedly once every two years. In addition, technical training is directed to provide an overview of physical evidence collection and strategies to become a competent and professional PLP.
The technical training was opened by the Director of Human Resources, Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin., who conveyed the importance of Bimtek in filling out DUPAK to help PLP UGM achieve and fulfill career needs while serving as a PLP. Bimtek participants are 104 PLP employees who are divided into several work units at UGM, including the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Vocational School, Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory, and other work units. The training participants enthusiastically participated in the technical training to generate enthusiasm in the preparation of digital DUPAK.
The resource persons for technical training are a team of experts in the field of PLP, including the Lecturer of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Dr. Drs. Komar Sutriah, M.Si. Other speakers are UGM lecturers, namely Tri Joko Raharjo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., is a PLP supervisor at UGM. By following technical training, PLP is expected to be able to adapt to the procedure for filling out the digital version of DUPAK. (HR/Rista)