On 11 to 14 and 18 July 2023, the Directorate of Human Resources at Universitas Gadjah Mada (DSDM UGM) held The Instructional Technique of Basic Skill Improvement Training (PEKERTI) activity for UGM Young Lecturers 2023. Participants in this activity are lecturers who have attended basic training (LATSAR) in 2023. PEKERTI training is carried out using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous, synchronously (according to schedule) and asynchronously through the https://elok.ugm.ac.id Learning Management System (eLOK) e-Learning: Open for Knowledge Sharing). The training method accommodates student-centered learning methods by utilizing information technology.
The Director of Human Resources, Suadi, S.Pi., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D, opened the training. He emphasized the role of lecturers in education and teaching, curriculum development techniques, and excellent and fun teaching methods. This activity is also a bridge for lecturers to obtain lecturer certification. With this PEKERTI Training, it is hoped that the participants can compile and design a suitable learning curriculum and create pleasant learning conditions by applying the various learning methods taught so that the learning process transfer knowledge is easy and fun.
The first day of PEKERTI began with the topic of Higher Education as a System: Policy and Regulatory Needs, delivered by Prof. Dr. Sulistiowati, S.H., M.Hum. and Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, S.IP., M.Si. Followed by the subject of Ethics and Moral Lecturers as Educators by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Baiquni, M.A., the material on Strategies and Innovations to Improve the Quality of Higher Education was delivered by Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo, S. Hut., M.Sc. Meanwhile, the first day’s closing was Dr. Sumaryono, M.Sc., with learning theory and motivation for active learning.
On the second day, the material presented was about Learning Models, including Instructional Design and Development of Competency Maps in Subjects and Principles and Good Practices for Preparing RPKPS, guided by Ardhya Nareswari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Then, the Development of Learning Models through Innovative Learning Ecosystems and Project-Based Learning Designs and Case-Based Learning Designs that are aligned with IKU 7 was delivered by Dr. Ngadisih, STP., M.Sc. Furthermore, Andragogy, Heutagogy, and Cybergogy: What and How and Student Engagement Strategy/Student Engagement guided by Dr. Sumaryono, M.Sc.
On the third day, the material was about teaching technique methods, including The Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Learning Taxonomy by Prof. dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D and The SCL Method and Discussion on Design of Teaching Practices by Ir. Fitri Trapsillawati, S.T., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. Whereas on the fourth day, the material presented was regarding assessment methods, quality of education and team teaching, that is, Methods of Assessment and Preparation of Rubrics, Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Providing Feedback to Students through LMS guided by Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, S.T., M.T. Furthermore, Higher Education Quality Assurance directed by Prof. Dr. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, MBA.
On the fifth day, the participants carried out Learning Practices with the SCL/MicroTeaching, where participants are divided into groups and practice how to teach in class. Each group consists of 20 – 21 participants. The PEKERTI teaching team guides this learning practice, and two lecturers guide each group. Each participant does the microteaching practice for 7 minutes and is then assessed and given feedback by each lecturer. At the end of the Learning Practice with the SCL Method/MicroTeaching submitted an evaluation on MicroTeaching and an explanation of independent assignments by the teaching team.
The training activities closed with filling out the training implementation evaluation questionnaire, and the participants conveyed some impressions. One of them was from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK), “Trying to guess from its name, PEKERTI, I thought that this training would only ‘take care’ of a lecturer’s morale. Where did I go wrong? PEKERTI, or the Instructional Engineering Basic Skills Improvement Training acronym, contains a much more complex and weighty scope than that. The materials presented are beneficial for lecturers to implement a higher education curriculum. All materials are packaged neatly and structured for five days, from policies and regulations to technical matters in making learning modules using the existing Learning Management System. I am very fortunate to be able to participate in this training; at that time, I had not taught students yet, because, of course, what I got from this training would be a precious provision in educating students later. Overall, the implementation of the PEKERTI Training has been going well and smoothly. (UGM/Dewi/Translated by Rista).