The Directorate of Human Resources (HR Directorate) UGM, in collaboration with the Center for Innovation and Academic Studies (PIKA) UGM, has successfully held the Training of Improving Skills in Instructional Techniques (PEKERTI) UGM in 2022. PEKERTI training is intended for Lecturers in the (UGM) environment who have successfully passed the Basic Lecturer Training (Latsar) and is open to Lecturers of State and Private Universities throughout Indonesia. The training aims as a form of debriefing for lecturers in understanding and implementing effective learning techniques. The training was carried out in a hybrid manner through the Zoom Meeting platform on the implementation of material presentation for all training participants, as well as offline/face-to-face for UGM Lecturers on the performance of Learning Practices with the SCL/Micro Teaching Method. The implementation of PEKERTI UGM Batch 2 was attended by 70 lecturers divided into UGM Lecturers and Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic Lecturers. The PEKERTI Batch 2 training was held from 15 to 17, followed by 20 to June 23, 2022.
The training was officially opened by the Director of HR, Dr. Ratminto, M. Pol. Admin. The HR Director hopes that the PEKERTI training can improve the competence of young lecturers and fulfill one of the requirements for Lecturer Certification (Serdos). PEKERTI training resource persons are 22 lecturers from various work units within UGM, including from the Academic Senate, Board of Professors, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Directorate of Education and Teaching, Directorate of Community Service, Office of Quality Assurance and Center for Innovation and Academic Studies/PIKA.
The first day of the training was opened by the Director of Human Resources, followed by the first material, Higher Education as a System: Policy and Regulatory Needs, delivered by Dr. Ir. Endy Suwondo, DEA. The following material is about the Ethics and Morals of Lecturers as Educators, which Prof. Dr. Muhammad Baiquni, MA, provided. The third material, Strategies, and Innovations to Improve the Quality of Higher Education, was delivered by Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, ST, MT. The first day of training closed with Asynchronous Reflection via eLOK. Participants continued the activity on the second day with the fourth material, Learning Theory and Motivation for Active Learning which Dr. Sumaryono, M.Sc, delivered. The following material topic is Andragogy, Heutagogy, and Cybergogy: What and How and Student Engagement Strategies by Dr. Nida Ul Hasanat, M.Sc. The second day was continued by Dr. Ngadisih, STP, M.Sc., with the material Development of Learning Models through Innovative Learning Ecosystems. The second day of training also closed with Asynchronous Reflection via eLOK.
The training was continued on the third day with Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Learning Taxonomy materials delivered by Ir. Fitri Trapsilawati, ST, Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN.Eng. The eighth material is Instructional Design and Development of Competency Maps in Subjects and Principles and Good Practices for RPKPS Preparation by dr. Widya Wasityastuti, M.Sc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. The training continued with material on the SCL Method and Discussion on Teaching Practice Design by Ardhya Nareswari, ST, MT, Ph.D. Participants also carried out asynchronous reflection through the eLOK page at the end of the third day of PEKERTI Training. On the fourth day, the ninth material was presented by Ir. Fitri Trapsilawati, ST, Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN.Eng regarding Methods of Assessment and Formulation of Rubrics, Assessment of Learning Outcomes, and Providing Feedback to Students through LMS. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, MBA. and dr. Widya Wasityastuti, M.Sc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D. collaboratively delivered the tenth material on OBE and SIOBA-Based Quality Assurance. The fourth day of the training continued with the material on Team Teaching Management Strategies in the Context of OBE by Prof. Dr.rer.nat. apt. Triana Hertiani, S.Si., M.Sc. With the end of the tenth material, participants are expected to continue the training asynchronously through Reflections on the eLOK page.
The fifth day of the training was continued with Learning Practices with the SCL/Micro Teaching for online participants via the Zoom Meeting platform. This Learning Practice is intended for Participants who are PTN/PTS Lecturers outside UGM, and UGM Lecturers who are continuing their Advanced Studies or are unable to take practice offline. Practice Facilitator Micro Teaching led by the PIKA team.
The last training day was Learning practice with the SCL/Micro Teaching for offline participants. This Learning Practice is intended for Participants who are UGM Lecturers. Practice Micro Teaching held offline at the University Club (UC) Hotel UGM, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, on Thursday, June 24, 2022, accompanied by Micro Teaching competence. Technical implementation of Micro Teaching: dividing participants into small groups and practicing the learning process according to the SCL method. (HR/Rista)