In facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0, education is an indispensable capital. Lecturers have a direct influence on improving the quality of student learning. The abilities one lecturer should possess are to design the learning process, evaluate learning and carry out learning effectively. Joining PEKERTI training will improve the lecturer’s abilities. Training of Improving Skills in Instructional Techniques (PEKERTI) is a training program that may allow lecturers to improve their professional competence in carrying out functional positions, especially in the improvement of pedagogical skills.
Under the Letter of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) Number 1955/E4/KK.01.01/2021, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has met the criteria as Pekerti/AA training organizer for the lecturers as one of The Educator Certification for Lecturers (Serdos) requirements. Considering the letter, UGM carried out the PEKERTI Training for UGM lecturers and PTN/PTS Lecturers throughout Indonesia. PEKERTI Training is conducted online through the Zoom Meeting application system and divided into four batches. The first batch of PEKERTI Training took place on September 28 – October 8, 2021, then continued the second batch on October 5 – 15, 2021. The third batch took place on October 19 – 29, 2021, followed by the fourth batch on October 26 – November 5, 2021. PEKERTI Training consists of Faculty/School lecturers in the environment and several lecturers from colleague universities.
The Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) organized PEKERTI Training 2021 in collaboration with the Center for Innovation and Academic Studies (PIKA). PEKERTI Training speakers are experts in teaching and pedagogy, including the Head of the Academic Senate UGM, the Head of the UGM Board of Professors, and the UGM Student-Centered Learning Team under their respective fields of expertise. There are 20 Modules in this training divided into 64 JPL synchronous meetings and 20 JPL asynchronous. The PEKERTI Training Teams adapted the PEKERTI Kemendikbud-Ristek training curriculum and the UGM’s Innovative Learning Ecosystem Curriculum.
PEKERTI UGM Training in 2021 began with the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto opening speech. Prof. Bambang said that one of the requirements of Lecturer Certification is to enroll in the PEKERTI Training. He hopes that with the PEKERTI Training, UGM Lecturers may develop teaching or pedagogical skills under an up-to-date curriculum. In addition to being one of the requirements of Lecturer Certification, the PEKERTI Training expected results are to improve the quality of students’ learning, strengthen the design of the learning process, and recognize the outcomes of learning evaluations.
Prof. Dr. Sulistiowati, S.H., M.Hum. is one of the speakers at PEKERTI Training. Prof. Sulistiowati is the chairman of the Academic Senate of UGM, who delivers modules on Higher Education as a System: Policy Needs and Regulatory. Moreover, the Chairman of the UGM Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Maksum, M.Sc., was also one of the speakers. Prof. Maksum had the opportunity to present the Ethics and Moral Lecturers as Educators module. Prof. Maksum stated that the learning achievements in the module are to reflect on the ethics and morals of lecturers as educators.
In the Micro-teaching concourse, participants implemented The Nine Steps of Gagne’s “Event of Instruction.” The Nine Steps may help the participants analyze higher education systems and innovations and reflect on strategies with self-awareness of the ethics and morals of lecturers as educators. (UGM/Rista)