The Directorate of Human Resources (Directorate of HR) UGM held Training on Official Letter for Supporting Staff at Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2022. Training of Official Letter is intended for Supporting Staff (Tendik) at the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The training aims as a form of debriefing for Tendik UGM in understanding and implementing the official document administration within the UGM environment. The training is carried out online through the Zoom Meeting platform. The implementation of the Official Manu Letters Letter Training was attended by 262 Tendik, who were divided into all UGM work units. The training was divided into three batches held on 17 and 20 May, 24 and 27 May, and 31 May and 3 June 2022.
The training was officially opened by the Secretary of the Directorate of Human Resources, Paminto Adhi, SE, M.Sc. The Secretary of the Directorate of Human Resources hopes that implementing the Official Letter Training can help Tendik’s career development. There are several resource persons for the Official Letter Training from three work units, namely the Legal and Organizational Offices (Endri Heriyanto, S.H., M.Kn., and Fitria Yuniarti, S.H., M.Kn.), the Office of Administration and Households (Farida Yuliani, SS, M.A.), and the Archives Office (Ully Isnaeni Effendi, A.Md, S.E., M.Sc., Fitria Agustina, A.Md., SIP, Herman Setyawan, S.Pd.).
In the first training session, Endri Heriyanto, SH, M.Kn. provides material on the Organizational Structure and Governance of UGM. This material aims to provide information on the organizational structure and governance of UGM, which aims to implement official texts within UGM smoothly.
The material was continued by Fitria Yuniarti, S.H., M.Kn. on Administration of Official Letter at UGM. The second material aims at Tendik UGM to understand written information management, which includes setting the type, format, preparation, security, ratification, distribution, and storage of Official Letter within UGM. Ully Isnaeni Effendi, A.Md, S.E., M.Sc., continued the training with Archives Administration material. The material aims to allow Tendik UGM to understand archiving procedures according to the applied regulation(s). The first day of training ended with information on the implementation of Independent Tasks by the training committee.
Farida Yuliani, SS, M.A., and the UGM Office Letter Management Team continued the second day of the training with technical letter-making techniques material. Furthermore, Tendik UGM conducted a Task Review with the UGM Office Letter Management Team with the breakout room method. The training ended with implementing a post-test for all participants of the Official Letter Training. (DSDM/Rista)