In developing human resource strategies, the preparation or what is commonly known as HCDP (Human Capital Development Plan) plays a crucial role in the ASN (State Civil Apparatus) development paradigm. Under Law No. 5 of 2014 on ASN Article 70 (1), the merit system as a management policy based on qualifications, competence, and performance fairly and reasonably without distinguishing political background, race, skin color, religion, origin, gender, marital status, age, or disability conditionsOne of the elements in a sustainable merit system development is the competence of ASN. ASN competency ensures and maintains the employees’ capabilities and meets the required qualifications to make optimal contributions to the organization. Human Resources as Human Capital are utilized as much as possible for the advancement of the organization and to care for human resources that are increasingly more full of insight and knowledge. Therefore, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) developed the HCDP (Human Capital Development Plan) system to assist in the self-development of ASN.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) supports government programs by holding the Workshop on Training Data Needs and Employee Competency Development Plan 2022-2026. The speakers in this HCDP workshop activity are from the Human Resources Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The Workshop was held on December 6, 2021, online through the Zoom Meeting application, and all structural officials of the Directorate of Human Resources, officials, and IT teams of UGM’s Directorate of Systems and Information Resources attended the Workshop. The Director of Human Resources Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin was able to give the opening speech, who stated that one of the significant factors in HR is knowledge. Therefore the increase in capacity and competence of HR or HCDP needs to be done.
The speaker at the HCDP Workshop was Diyah Candrawati, S.H. She is a Young Expert Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Education-Ristek Human Resources Bureau. Diyah Candrawati stated that the purpose of planning the development of employee competencies is to obtain data in the form of needs, format, competency development pathways, and the types of competencies needed by employees. After the merger of Kemdikbud and Ristek, there is a need to increase the competence. There are two self-development groups, namely the talent and non-talent. The talent group developed into a group that will later occupy a specific position. The development will be named Wiyata Kinarya, which contains 10% functional training or the like, 20% social learning, 70% study while working as an internship. The stages of preparing needs and competency development plans include pre-drafting, inventory for individual development recommendations (further education, classical, and non-classical training), verification, validation (approval of plan forms and verification), and input by uploading records and inputs on hdcp.kemdikbud.go.id
The Human Resources Directorate appreciates Kemdikbud-Ristek for the various innovations in the employees’ competence development. UGM expects integration in terms of data synchronization between UGM information systems that systematically and substances have similarities to the Kemendikbud-Ristek system. This consideration was well received by the Ministry of Education’s HR Bureau.