Center for Occupational Health and Safety Safety and Environment (PK4L) Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is the organizer and coordinator of security, occupational health safety, and protection within UGM. PK4L is the face of UGM and is at the forefront of service. In carrying out basic tasks and organizational functions, PK4L must provide excellent service. This realization is obtained by conducting excellent service training. Excellent service is a must in organizations within UGM. Service is a direct interaction between officers and customers and has an impact on the level of satisfaction. To meet this need, PK4L UGM, in collaboration with the Directorate of Human Resources (HR), held Excellent Service Training for PK4L UGM personnel which is intended to improve the service capabilities of PK4L UGM personnel in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to the community and partners who visit Gadjah Mada University.
To increase the competence of Supporting Staff (Tendik), especially in academic administration services for lecturers, students, and stakeholders, the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) collaborates with the Directorate of Education and Teaching (DPP) UGM has organized the 2022 Academic Service Administration Training for Supporting Staff (Tendik) at UGM. Tendik is required to be professional in providing services to lecturers, students, and other stakeholders. Therefore Tendik must first understand how to manage academic service administration through information technology so that Tendik can significantly contribute to the achievement of national education goals. The 2022 Academic Service Administration Training aims to improve the knowledge and abilities of participants in academic administration management through information systems. In addition, participants will also be able to understand well the information and processes for the promotion of new student admissions, registration, registration, academic information systems, graduation information systems, monitoring, and evaluation, to report academic transactions.
To increase the capacity of Human Resources (HR) for Property Managers (BMU) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the Directorate of Human Resources, in collaboration with the Directorate of Assets UGM, carried out Technical Guidance on the Valuation of University Property. Technical Guidance (Bimtek) BMU assessment aims to determine the value of the wealth of the grant proceeds, the value of the auction limit for elimination, and the value of the BMU for joint utilization. In addition, with the Bimtek BMU Valuation, internal appraisers participants will be able to understand the methods and techniques of assessment and assist in the implementation of the assessment of university property. The Directorate of HR and Directorate of Assets carried out the technical guidance in collaboration with resource persons from the Department of Economics and Business, Property Management and Valuation Study Program, UGM Vocational School, and Practitioners in the Valuation of Goods. Bimtek participants are 28 UGM Internal Appraisal Candidates from several Faculties and Schools, RSA, and Directorates within the KPTU of UGM.
On Friday, October 7, 2022, the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) of UGM held a Green Walk and Fire Fighting Training with APAR and HYDRANT for UGM DSDM Employees. This activity aims to provide knowledge to DSDM employees regarding fire management and provide participants with an understanding of the first steps in dealing with light and moderate fires.
The role of employees, especially in the Office of the Executive Secretariat of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), is critical in supporting the implementation of various programs to address increasingly complex university challenges. Secretary is required to be a catalyst personality, namely a person who empowers himself and others, is equipped with collaboration skills, and relies on maximum personal power. The unique qualities of these catalysts are essential in their role in supporting the coordination of various tasks, especially in the preparation, implementation and management of administration and related parties involved in multiple activities, both at the university, faculty, work unit, and external partner levels. Employees must be able to interact effectively, relying on interpersonal skills to meet work goals, build trust from various parties, and create a conducive work atmosphere and culture.
On Thursday, 15 September 2022, the Directorate of Human Resources of Gadjah Mada University (DSDM UGM) held a Workshop on the Ministerial Regulations of Education Regulations, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 27 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Giving Further Studies to Civil Servants in collaboration with the Bureau of Human Resources, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek). The online socialization was attended by the Deputy Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources, echelon 3 officials at KPTU, and the Head of the Faculty and School Administration Office at UGM. This workshop aims to socialize the new regulation on further studies, namely Permendikbud (Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology) Number 27 concerning Guidelines for Giving Further Studies for Civil Servants.
Gadjah Mada University (UGM), one of the Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) in Indonesia, has the authority to conduct recruitment based on the map of human resource needs in each work unit. With this authority, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of Post-Employment Benefits related to the impact on human resource management, compliance with existing government regulations, calculation of post-employment benefits, and planning of post-employment benefits for UGM Employees. To improve the competence of human resources who can understand, calculate, journalize, and plan Post-Employment Benefits for UGM Employees, the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) held a Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 24 Post-Employment Benefits Training 2022 for UGM Educational staffs. The PSAK training was attended by 20 employees from the Directorate of Finance, the Directorate of Human Resources, and the Internal Audit Office in the Finance and Supervision Clump. PSAK training will be held offline on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at Hall C, Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
The dynamics of increasing campus transportation services need to meet with expanding the ability of driver officers in terms of expertise, skills, traffic law ethics, and preparation for physical and mental conditions. Driver officers must provide excellent service covering aspects of service and the vehicle’s state, which is in good condition at any time. Driver services include campus public transportation services, support, emergency services, and the provision of VVIP services for Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) officials and university guests. To improve the ability of driver officers in terms of expertise, skills, traffic law ethics, and preparation for physical and mental conditions, the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM) UGM held Driving Safety Training for Drivers at UGM.
To improve the competence of Supporting Staff (Tendik) within Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), especially in the field of operations computer and Microsoft Office, Directorate of Human Resources (HR) UGM, in collaboration with the Vocational School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering UGM, held Microsoft Office and Computer Operations Training for Supporting Staff at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Microsoft Office training aims to improve the skills of Tendik UGM in completing work tasks effectively and efficiently. In addition, this training also aims as one of the requirements for increasing the career path of Tendik UGM and preparing Tendik UGM as reliable and capable employees in managing and operating information systems in the digital era.
To facilitate the program to accelerate promotions and positions for Education Laboratory Institutions (PLP) within Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the Directorate of Human Resources (Directorate of Human Resources) organizes Technical Training (Bimtek) for the Preparation of DUPAK for PLP. The Bimtek implementation will take place on 7, 8, and 21 July 2022 and will be held offline with health protocols at the University Club Hotel UGM. Bimtek aims to increase enthusiasm for PLP UGM to immediately apply for promotions and positions regularly, expectedly once every two years. In addition, technical training is directed to provide an overview of physical evidence collection and strategies to become a competent and professional PLP.